On July 14, 2019, the opening ceremony of the Summer program was held successfully in shuyin building.

Lin Bo , Deputy director of academic affairs office give the foreign professors a warm welcome and gratitude,and highly praised their work for internationalization of the university.Meng Tao, Executive dean of  IBC gave a brief introduction of  IBC.He hoped the teachers could enhance the cooperation in research.


The summer program provide the students of DUFE the opportunity to learn form wold calss faculty and plays an important role in promoting internationalization of our unviersity.

Program Introduction:

The summer program is held by IBC and Lion Education International.There are 17 courses which could be transferred to credits in Business, Engineering and Culture   delivered by professors in “Ivy League”from Penn State University, University of Michigan,University of California at Irvine, University of Southern California Law School, Notre Dame University, Miami University of Ohio, Carnegie Mellon University and University of British Columbia.
