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David Weaver 教授
2021-04-14 14:07



Ph.D.           (1986)  University of Western Ontario (Geography)

The Evolution of a Tourism Landscape: The Case of Antigua

M.A.            (1981)  Wilfred Laurier University (Geography)

Tobago: The Spatial Development of a Caribbean Tourist Industry

B.A. (Hons.)  (1979)  Wilfred Laurier University (Geography)


Griffith University (Gold Coast, Australia) School of Tourism, Sport & Hotel Mgmt.

2008 -  Professor of Tourism Research (tenured)

University of South Carolina (USA), School of Hotel, Restaurant and Tourism Mgmt.

2005 - 08        Professor of Tourism Management (tenured)

George Mason University (Virginia, USA), Dept. of Health, Fitness & Recreation Resources

2002 - 04   Professor of Tourism & Events Management (tenured)

2002 - 04   Co-Director, Program in Tourism & Events Management

Griffith University (Gold Coast, Australia) School of Tourism & Hotel Management

2000 – 01  Associate Professor of Tourism Management (tenured)

1996 – 99  Senior Lecturer in Tourism Management (tenured)

1996 – 00  Director, Masters of Tourism and Hotel Management Programs

University of Regina, Luther College (Regina, Saskatchewan, Canada)

1992 - 96      Associate Professor (tenured)

1986 - 92      Assistant Professor

PUBLICATIONS (Google Scholar = 9,126 citations as of June 6, 2017)

H-index = 41

Journal Articles (latest Australian ABDC journal ratings used unless otherwise denoted; all impact factors [IF] are latest 2-year, red denotes current Google Scholar citation count)

75. Weaver, D., Tang, C-Z., Shi, F-F., Huang, M-F., Burns, K. & Sheng, A. (in press). Dark tourism, emotions, and post-experience visitor effects in a sensitive geopolitical context: A Chinese case study. Journal of Travel Research. (A*, IF=2.905)

74. Tang, C-Z., Weaver, D., & Lawton, L. (2017). Can stopovers be induced to revisit transit hubs as stayovers? A new perspective on the relationship between air transportation and tourism. Journal of Air Transport Management, 62, 54-64. http://dx.doi.org/10.1016/j.jairtraman.2017.02.008 (B, IF=1.084)

73. Weaver, D. (2017). Core-periphery relationships and the sustainability paradox of small island tourism. Tourism Recreation Research, 42, 11-21. http://dx.doi.org/10.1080/02508281.2016.1228559 (A2

72. Weaver, D. & Lawton, L. (2017). A new visitation paradigm for protected areas. Tourism Management, 60, 140-146. http://dx.doi.org/10.1016/j.tourman.2016.11.018 (A*, IF=3.140)

71. Wang, X., Weaver, D., Li, X., & Zhang, Y. (2016). In Butler (1980) we trust? Typology of citer motivations. Annals of Tourism Research, 61, 216-218. http://dx.doi.org/10.1016/j.annals.2016.07.004 (A*, IF=2.275)

70. Wang, Y., Weaver, D., & Kwek, A. (2016). Beyond the mass tourism stereotype: Power and empowerment in Chinese package tours. Journal of Travel Research, 55, 724-737. http://dx.doi.org/10.1177/0047287515592971 (A*, IF=2.905) 9

69. Weaver, D. & Jin, X. (2016). Compassion as a neglected motivator for sustainable tourism. Journal of Sustainable Tourism, 24, 657-672. http://dx.doi.org/10.1080/09669582.2015.1101130 (A*, IF=2.480) 5

68. Weaver, D. (2016). Beyond convention: Reimagining indigenous tourism. Tourism Geographies, 18 (1), 28-37. http://dx.doi.org/10.1080/14616688.2015.1122077 (A, IF=1.235) 1

67. Shakeela, A. & Weaver, D. (2016). The exploratory social-mediatized gaze: Reactions of virtual tourists to an inflammatory YouTube incident. Journal of Travel Research, 55 (1), 113-124. http://dx.doi.org/10.1177/0047287514532369 (A*, IF=2.905) 12

66. Buckley, R., Gretzel, U., Scott, D., Weaver, D., & Becken, S. (2015). Tourism megatrends. Tourism Recreation Research, 40 (1), 59-70. http://dx.doi.org/10.1080/02508281.2015.1005942 (A15

65. Pegas, F., Weaver, D., & Castley, G. (2015). Domestic tourism and sustainability in an emerging economy: Brazil’s littoral pleasure periphery. Journal of Sustainable Tourism, 23 (5), 748-769. http://dx.doi.org/10.1080/09669582.2014.998677 (A*, IF=2.480) 3

64. Weaver, D. (2015). Volunteer tourism and beyond: Motivations and barriers to participation in protected area enhancement. Journal of Sustainable Tourism 23 (5), 683-705. http://dx.doi.org/10.1080/09669582.2014.992901 (A*, IF=2.480) 10

63. Lawton, L. & Weaver, D. (2015). Using residents’ perceptions research to inform planning and management for sustainable tourism: A study of the Gold Coast Schoolies Week, a contentious tourism event. Journal of Sustainable Tourism, 23 (5), 660-682. http://dx.doi.org/10.1080/09669582.2014.991398 (A*, IF=2.480) 8

62. Weaver, D. (2015). Tourism and the Chinese Dream: Framework for engagement. Annals of Tourism Research, 51, 54-56. http://dx.doi.org/10.1016/j.annals.2015.01.001 (A*, IF=2.685) 10

61. Lee, Y-H. & Weaver, D. (2014). The tourism area life cycle in Kim Yujeong Literary Village, Korea. Asia Pacific Journal of Tourism Research, 19 (2), 181-198. http://dx.doi.org/10.1080/10941665.2012.735681 (B, IF=1.290) 7

60. Weaver, D. (2014). Asymmetrical dialectics of sustainable tourism: Toward enlightened mass tourism. Journal of Travel Research, 53 (2), 131-140. http://dx.doi.org/10.1177/0047287513491335 (A*, IF=2.905) 59

59. Kwek, A., Wang, Y., & Weaver, D. (2014). Retail tours in China for overseas Chinese: Soft power or hard sell? Annals of Tourism Research, 44, 36-52. http://dx.doi.org/10.1016/j.annals.2013.08.012 (A*, IF=2.685) 13

58. Weaver, D. (2013). Protected area visitor willingness to participate in site enhancement activities. Journal of Travel Research, 52 (3), 377-391. http://dx.doi.org/10.1177/0047287512467704 (A*, IF=2.905) 16

57. Weaver, D. & Lawton, L. (2013). Resident perceptions of a contentious tourism event. Tourism Management, 37, 165-175. http://dx.doi.org/10.1016/j.tourman.2013.01.017 (A*, IF=3.140) 45

56. Lee, Y-S., Lawton, L., & Weaver, D. (2013). Evidence for a South Korean model of ecotourism. Journal of Travel Research, 52, 520-533. http://dx.doi.org/10.1177/0047287512467703 (A*, IF=2.905) 16

55. Weaver, D., Davidson, M., Lawton, L., Patiar, A., Reid, S., & Johnston, N. (2013). Awarding sustainable Asia-Pacific hotel practices: Rewarding innovative practices or open rhetoric? Tourism Recreation Research, 38, 15-28. http://dx.doi.org/10.1080/02508281.2013.11081726 (A1

54. Shakeela, A. & Weaver, D. (2012). Resident reactions to a tourism incident: Mapping a Maldivian emoscape. Annals of Tourism Research, 39, 1337-1358. http://dx.doi.org/10.1016/j.annals.2012.01.007 (A*, IF=2.685) 25

53. Weaver, D. (2012). Organic, incremental and induced paths to sustainable mass tourism convergence. Tourism Management, 33, 1030-1037. http://dx.doi.org/10.1016/j.tourman.2011.08.011 (A*, IF=3.140) 107

52. Weaver, D. (2012). Psychographic insights from a South Carolina protected area. Tourism Management, 33, 371-379. http://dx.doi.org/10.1016/j.tourman.2011.04.006 (A*, IF=3.140) 25

51. Coghlan, A., Buckley, R., & Weaver, D. (2012). A framework for analyzing awe in tourism experiences. Annals of Tourism Research, 39(3), 1714-1718. http://dx.doi.org/10.1016/j.annals.2012.03.007 (A*IF=2.685) 17

50. Weaver, D. & Lawton, L. (2011). Visitor loyalty at a private South Carolina protected area. Journal of Travel Research, 50, 335-346. http://dx.doi.org/10.1177/0047287510362920 (A*, IF=2.905) 39

49. Weaver, D. (2011). Contemporary tourism heritage as heritage tourism: Evidence from Las Vegas and Gold Coast. Annals of Tourism Research, 38, 249-267. http://dx.doi.org/10.1016/j.annals.2010.08.007 (A*, IF=2.685) 46

48. Weaver, D. (2011). Can sustainable tourism survive climate change? Journal of Sustainable Tourism, 19, 5-16. http://dx.doi.org/10.1080/09669582.2010.536242 (A*, IF=2.480) 171

47. Weaver, D. & Lawton, L. (2011). Information sources for visitors’ first awareness of a low profile attraction. Journal of Travel & Tourism Marketing, 28, 1-12. http://dx.doi.org/10.1080/10548408.2011.535440 (A, IF=1.741) 15

46. Weaver, D. (2011). Celestial ecotourism: New horizons in nature-based tourism. Journal of Ecotourism, 10, 47-54. http://dx.doi.org/10.1080/14724040903576116 (B20

45. Lawton, L. & Weaver, D. (2010). Normative and innovative sustainable resource management at birding festivals. Tourism Management, 31, 527-536. http://dx.doi.org/10.1016/j.tourman.2009.06.004 (A*, IF=3.140) 39

44. Weaver, D. (2010). Geopolitical dimensions of sustainable tourism. Tourism Recreation Research, 35(1), 45-51. http://dx.doi.org/10.1080/02508281.2010.11081618 (A18

43. Weaver, D. (2010). Indigenous tourism stages and their implications for sustainability. Journal of Sustainable Tourism, 18(1), 43-60. http://dx.doi.org/10.1080/09669580903072001 (A*, IF=2.480) 70

42. Lawton, L. & Weaver, D. (2009). Travel agency threats and opportunities: The perspective of successful owners. International Journal of Hospitality and Tourism Administration, 10, 68-92. http://dx.doi.org/10.1080/15256480802557283 (B29

41. Lawton, L. & Weaver, D. (2008). Factors associated with non-visitation by area residents to Congaree National Park, South Carolina. Journal of Park & Recreation Administration, 26(4), 66-82. (C17

40. Weaver, D. & Lawton, L. (2008). Perceptions of a nearby exurban protected area in South Carolina, USA. Environmental Management, 41(3), 389-397. http://dx.doi.org/10.1007/s00267-007-9043-9 (IF=1.857) 14

39. Weaver, D. & Lawton, L. (2008). Not just surviving, but thriving: Perceived strengths of successful US-based travel agencies. International Journal of Tourism Research, 10, 41-53. http://dx.doi.org/10.1002/jtr.623 (A, IF=1.095) 20

38. Weaver, D. (2007). Toward sustainable mass tourism: Paradigm shift or paradigm nudge? Tourism Recreation Research, 32(3), 65-69. http://dx.doi.org/10.1080/02508281.2007.11081541 (A38

37. Weaver, D. & Lawton, L. (2007). ‘Just because it’s gone doesn’t mean it isn’t there anymore’: Planning for attraction residuality. Tourism Management, 28, 108-117. http://dx.doi.org/10.1016/j.tourman.2006.01.002 (A*, IF=3.140) 12

36. Weaver, D. & Lawton, L. (2007). Twenty years on: The state of contemporary ecotourism research. Tourism Management, 28, 1168-1179. http://dx.doi.org/10.1016/j.tourman.2007.03.004 (A*, IF=3.140) 478

35. Fennell, D. & Weaver, D. (2005). The Ecotourium concept and tourism-conservation symbiosis. Journal of Sustainable Tourism, 13(4), 373-390. http://dx.doi.org/10.1080/09669580508668563 (A*, IF=2.480) 125

34. Weaver, D. (2005). Comprehensive and minimalist dimensions of ecotourism. Annals of Tourism Research, 32, 439-455. http://dx.doi.org/10.1016/j.annals.2004.08.003 (A*, IF=2.685) 287

33. Weaver, D. (2005). The distinctive dynamics of exurban tourism. International Journal of Tourism Research, 7, 23-33. http://dx.doi.org/10.1002/jtr.521 (A, IF=1.095) 26

32. Weaver, D. (2005). Mass and urban ecotourism: New manifestations of an old concept. Tourism Recreation Research, 30(1), 19-26. http://dx.doi.org/10.1080/02508281.2005.11081230 (A31

31. Weaver, D. (2004). The contribution of international students to tourism beyond the core educational experience: Evidence from Australia. Tourism Review International, 7, 95-105. https://doi.org/10.3727/154427203773069262 (C43

30. Weaver, D. & Lawton, L. (2004). Visitor attitudes toward tourism development and product integration in an Australian urban-rural fringe.  Journal of Travel Research, 42(3), 286-296. http://journals.sagepub.com/doi/pdf/10.1177/0047287503258834 (A*, IF=2.905) 78

29. Weaver, D. (2002). The evolving concept of ecotourism and its potential impacts.  International Journal of Sustainable Development, 5(3), 251-264. http://dx.doi.org/10.1504/IJSD.2002.003753 41

28. Weaver, D. (2002). Asian ecotourism: Patterns and themes. Tourism Geographies, 4(2), 153-172. http://dx.doi.org/10.1080/14616680210124936 (A, IF=1.235) 97

27. Weaver, D. (2002). Hard-core ecotourists in Lamington National Park, Australia. Journal of Ecotourism, 1(1), 19-35. http://dx.doi.org/10.1080/14724040208668110 (B84

26. Weaver, D. & Lawton, L. (2002). Overnight ecotourist market segmentation in the Gold Coast hinterland of Australia. Journal of Travel Research, 40(3), 270-280. http://journals.sagepub.com/doi/pdf/10.1177/004728750204000305 (A*, IF=2.905) 254

25. Weaver, D. (2002). English Harbour, Antigua: The rise and fall of a strategic military site. Caribbean Quarterly, 48(4), 1-11. http://dx.doi.org/10.1080/00086495.2002.11672156 3

24. Weaver, D. (2001). Ecotourism as mass tourism: Contradiction or reality? Cornell Hotel and Restaurant Administration Quarterly, 42(2), 104-112. http://dx.doi.org/10.1016/S0010-8804(01)80022-7 (A, IF=2.408) 239

23. Weaver, D. & Lawton, L. (2001). Resident perceptions in the urban-rural fringe.  Annals of Tourism Research, 28, 439-458. http://dx.doi.org/10.1016/S0160-7383(00)00052-9 (A*, IF=2.685) 342

22. Weaver, D. (2001). The relationship between tourism scale, external environments and sustainability: Evidence from the South Pacific. Environment Papers Series, 4(2), 53-59.

21. Weaver, D. (2000). The exploratory war-distorted destination life cycle. International Journal of Tourism Research, 2, 151-161. http://search.proquest.com.libraryproxy.griffith.edu.au/docview/214529344?accountid=14543 (A, IF=1.095) 39

20. Weaver, D. (2000). A broad context model of destination development scenarios.  Tourism Management, 21(3), 217-224. http://dx.doi.org/10.1016/S0261-5177(99)00054-0 (A*, IF=3.140) 182

19. Weaver, D. & Lawton, L. (1999). Older adults as a distinct timeshare market in Australia. Australian Journal of Hospitality Management, 6(2), 1-11. (C4

18. Weaver, D. (1999). Magnitude of ecotourism in Costa Rica and Kenya.  Annals of Tourism Research, 26(4), 792-816. http://dx.doi.org/10.1016/S0160-7383(99)00044-4 (A*, IF=2.685) 217

17. Weaver, D. &  Lawton, L. (1998).  A profile of timesharing on the Gold Coast of Australia.  Journal of Hospitality & Tourism Research, 22(3), 225-238. http://dx.doi.org/10.1177/109634809802200302 (A7

16. Weaver, D. (1998). Peripheries of the periphery: Domestic tourism involvement in Tobago and Barbuda. Annals of Tourism Research, 25(2), 292-313. http://dx.doi.org/10.1016/S0160-7383(97)00094-7 (A*, IF=2.685) 167

15. Weaver, D. (1998).  Strategies for the development of deliberate ecotourism in the South Pacific. Pacific Tourism Review, 2(1), 53-66. (C8

14. Lawton, L., Weaver, D., & Faulkner, B. (1998). Customer satisfaction in the Australian timeshare industry.  Journal of Travel Research, 37(1), 28-36. http://dx.doi.org/10.1177/004728759803700104 (A*, IF=2.905) 39

13. Fennell, D. & Weaver, D. (1997). Vacation farms and ecotourism in Saskatchewan, Canada. Journal of Rural Studies, 13(4), 467-475. http://dx.doi.org/10.1016/S0743-0167(97)00032-6 (A* [ERA], IF=2.206) 73

12. Weaver, D. & Fennell, D. (1997). The vacation farm sector in Saskatchewan: A profile of operations. Tourism Management, 18(6), 357-365. http://dx.doi.org/10.1016/S0261-5177(97)00039-3 (A*, IF=3.140) 133

11. Weaver, D. (1997). A regional framework for planning ecotourism in Saskatchewan. Canadian Geographer, 41(3), 281-293. http://dx.doi.org/10.1111/j.1541-0064.1997.tb01314.x (IF=0.878) 23

10. Weaver, D., Glenn, C., & Rounds, R. (1996). Private ecotourism operations in Manitoba, Canada. Journal of Sustainable Tourism, 4(3), 135-146. http://dx.doi.org/10.1080/09669589608667264 (A*, IF=2.480) 29

9. Nilson, R., Weaver, D., & Yoshioka, C. (1996). Leisure and aging in southern Saskatchewan. Great Plains Research, 6(1), 85-104. http://www.jstor.org/stable/23778440

8. Weaver, D. & Elliott, K. (1996). Spatial patterns and problems in Namibian tourism. Geographical Journal, 162(2), 205-217. http://www.jstor.org/stable/3059877 (IF=3.206). 48

7. Weaver, D. (1995). Alternative tourism in Montserrat. Tourism Management, 16(8), 593-604. http://dx.doi.org/10.1016/0261-5177(95)00082-8 (A*, IF=3.140) 97

6. Weaver, D. (1993). Ecotourism in the small island Caribbean. GeoJournal, 31(4), 457-465. doi:10.1007/BF00812800 (B50

5. Weaver, D.  (1993). A model of urban tourism space in small Caribbean islands.  Geographical Review, 83(2), 134-140. http://www.jstor.org/stable/215251 (IF=0.456) 114

4. Weaver, D. (1991). Alternative to mass tourism in Dominica. Annals of Tourism Research, 18(3), 414-432. http://dx.doi.org/10.1016/0160-7383(91)90049-H (A*, IF=2.685) 174

3. Weaver, D. (1990). Grand Cayman Island and the resort cycle concept. Journal of Travel Research, 29(2), 9-15. https://doi.org/10.1177/004728759002900202 (A*, IF=2.905) 117

2. Weaver, D. (1988). The evolution of a “plantation” tourism landscape on the Caribbean island of Antigua. Tijdschrift voor Economische en Sociale Geografie, 79(5), 319-331. http://dx.doi.org/10.1111/j.1467-9663.1988.tb01318.x (B [ERA], IF=0.682) 117

1. Weaver, D. (1983). Tourism as a factor in Third World development, with special reference to the Caribbean. Ontario Geography, 22, 47-70. 3

Rejoinders, Letters, etc.

9. Weaver, D., Becken, S., Ding, P., Mackerras, C., Perdue, R., Scott, N., & Wang, Y. (2015). Research agenda for tourism and the Chinese Dream: Dialogues and open doors. Journal of Travel Research, 54(5), 578-583. http://dx.doi.org/10.1177/0047287515588594 (A*, IF=2.905) 3

8. McCool, S., Butler, R., Buckley, R., Weaver, D., & Wheeller, B. (2013). Is concept of sustainability utopian: Ideally perfect but impracticable? Tourism Recreation Research, 38(2), 213-242. http://dx.doi.org/10.1080/02508281.2013.11081746 (A9

7. Hall, C., Harrison, C., Weaver, D., & Wheeller, B. (2013). Vanishing peripheries: Does tourism consume places? Tourism Recreation Research, 38(1), 71-92. http://dx.doi.org/10.1080/02508281.2013.11081730 (A) 13

6. Weaver, D. (2012). Clearing the path to sustainable mass tourism: A response to Peeters. Tourism Management, 33, 1042-1043. http://dx.doi.org/10.1016/j.tourman.2012.01.012 (A*IF=3.140) 15

5. Weaver, D. (2011). Small can be beautiful but big can be beautiful too – and complementary: Towards mass/alternative tourism synergy. Tourism Recreation Research, 36(2), 186-189. http://dx.doi.org/10.1080/02508281.2011.11081319 (A5

4. Weaver, D. (2010). Community-based tourism as strategic dead end. Tourism Recreation Research, 35(2), 206-208. http://dx.doi.org/10.1080/02508281.2010.11081635 (A17

3. Gössling, S., Hall, C., Lane, B., & Weaver, D. (2008). The Helsingborg statement on sustainable tourism. Journal of Sustainable Tourism, 16(1), 122-124. http://dx.doi.org/10.2167/09669580809411813 (A*, IF=2.480) 51

2. Weaver, D. (2006). Peripheral tourism, sustainability, ecotourism and a light at the end of the tunnel. Tourism Recreation Research, 31(3), 98-100. http://dx.doi.org/10.1080/02508281.2006.11081511 (A1

1. Weaver, D. (1992). Contention for deliberate alternative tourism in Dominica: A reply to Oppermann and Sahr. Annals of Tourism Research, 19(4), 788-791. http://dx.doi.org/10.1016/0160-7383(92)90068-Z (A*, IF=2.685) 5


15. Lee, Y-S., Weaver, D., & Prebensen, N. (Editors) (2017). Arctic Tourism Experiences: Production, Consumption and Sustainability. Wallingford, UK: CABI. 197 pp. ISBN: 9781780648620.

14. Hughes, M., Weaver, D., & Pforr, C. (Editors) (2015). The Practice of Sustainable Tourism: Resolving the Paradox. Abingdon, UK: Routledge. 303 pp. ISBN: 9780415749398.

13. Weaver, D. & Lawton, L. (2014). Tourism Management. 5th Edition. Brisbane, Australia: John Wiley& Sons. 430 pp. ISBN: 9781118644812. 1,132 [all editions]

12. Weaver, D. & Lawton, L. (2010). Tourism Management. 4th Edition. Brisbane, Australia: John Wiley & Sons. 412 pp. ISBN: 9780470820223. See 5th ed.

11. Gossling, S., Hall, C.M., & Weaver, D. (Editors) (2009). Sustainable Tourism Futures: Perspectives on Systems, Restructuring, and Innovations. Routledge. 319 pp. ISBN: 0415996198. 172

10. Weaver, D.  (2008) Ecotourism.  2nd Edition. Brisbane, Australia: John Wiley & Sons. xxii + 348 pp. ISBN: 9780470813041. 500 [both editions]

9. Weaver, D. & Lawton, L. (2006). Tourism Management. 3rd Edition. Brisbane, Australia: John Wiley & Sons. xiv + 490 pp. ISBN 047080954 X. See 5th ed.

8. Weaver, D. (2006). Sustainable Tourism: Theory and Practice. London: Elsevier. xiii + 240 pp. ISBN 07506438 X. 597

7. Weaver, D. (2003). Ecotourism. (Chinese translation). John Wiley & Sons Australia (Tianjin: Nankai University Press). 492 pp. ISBN 7310019954.

6. Buckley, R., Pickering, C., & Weaver, D. (Editors) (2003) Nature-based Tourism, Environment and Land Management. Wallingford, UK: CABI Publishing. ISBN 0851997325. 76

5. Weaver, D. & Lawton, L. (2002) Tourism Management. 2nd Edition. Brisbane, Australia: John Wiley & Sons. xiii + 472 pp. ISBN 0470800666. See 5th ed.

4. Weaver, D.  (2001) Ecotourism.  Brisbane, Australia: John Wiley & Sons. xiii + 386 pp.  ISBN 0471422290. See 2nd ed.

3. Weaver, D. (Editor). (2001) Encyclopedia of Ecotourism.  Wallingford, UK: CABI Publishing. xiv + 668 pp. ISBN: 0851993680. (Paperback version published in 2003: ISBN 0851996825) 355

2. Weaver, D. & Oppermann, M. (2000). Tourism Management. Brisbane, Australia: John Wiley & Sons.  xviii + 468 pp. ISBN 0471341258. See 5th ed.

1. Weaver, D. (1998). Ecotourism in the Less Developed World. Wallingford, UK: CAB International. xvi + 258 pp. ISBN 0851992234. 491

Book Chapters

49. Lawton, L. & Weaver, D. (in press). Destination brands Dubai and Abu Dhabi: Bitter rivalry or strategic partnership? In Almuhrzi, H., Alriyami, H., & Scott, N. (Eds.) Tourism in the Arab World: An Industry Perspective. London: Routledge.

48. Weaver, D. (2017). Sustainability and mass tourism: A contradiction in terms? In Harrison, D. & Sharpley, R. (Eds.) Mass Tourism in a Small World. Wallingford, UK: CABI, pp. 63-74.

47. Shakeela, A. & Weaver, D. (2017). The Maldives: Parallel paths of conventional and alternative tourism. In Hall, C.M. & Page. S. (Eds.) Routledge Handbook on Tourism in Asia. London: Routledge, pp. 265-274.

46. Lee, Y-S., Weaver, D., & Prebensen, N. (2017). Arctic destinations and attractions as evolving peripheral settings for the production and consumption of peak tourism experiences. In Lee, Y-S., Weaver, D., & Prebensen, N. (Eds.) Arctic Tourism Experiences: Production, Consumption & Sustainability. Wallingford, UK: CABI, pp. 1-8.

45. Lee, Y-S., Weaver, D., & Prebensen, N. (2017). Arctic tourism experiences: Opportunities, challenges and future research directions for a changing periphery. In Lee, Y-S., Weaver, D., & Prebensen, N. (Eds.) Arctic Tourism Experiences: Production, Consumption & Sustainability. Wallingford, UK: CABI, pp. 191-197.

44. Huong, T., Tang, C-Z. & Weaver, D. (2017). The Arctic tourism experience from an evolving Chinese perspective. In Lee, Y-S., Weaver, D., & Prebensen, N. (Eds.) Arctic Tourism Experiences: Production, Consumption & Sustainability. Wallingford, UK: CABI, pp. 89-99.

43. Weaver, D. & Lawton, L. (2017). Degrees of peripherality in the production and consumption of leisure tourism in Greenland. In Lee, Y-S., Weaver, D., & Prebensen, N. (Eds.) Arctic Tourism Experiences: Production, Consumption & Sustainability. Wallingford, UK: CABI, pp. 56-66.

42. Le, T-A., Weaver, D., & Lawton, L. (2016). Community-based tourism and development in the periphery/semi-periphery interface: A case study from Viet Nam. In McCool, S. & Bosak, K. (Eds.) Reframing Sustainable Tourism. New York: Springer, pp. 161-181.

41. Hall, C., Harrison, D., Weaver, D., & Wall, G. (2015). Vanishing peripheries: Does tourism consume places? In Singh, T.V. (Ed.) Challenges in Tourism Research. Bristol: Channel View, pp. 161-191.

40. McCool, S., Butler, R., Buckley, R., Weaver, D., & Wheeller, B. (2015). Is the concept of sustainability Utopian? Ideally perfect but hard to practice. In Singh, T.V. (Ed.) Challenges in Tourism Research. Bristol: Channel View, pp. 223-265.

39. Hughes, M., Pforr, C., & Weaver, D. (2015). Confronting the reality of paradox in sustainable tourism. In Hughes, M., Pforr, C., & Weaver, D. (Eds.) The Practice of Sustainable Tourism: Resolving the Paradox. Abingdon, UK: Routledge, pp. 1-8.

38. Weaver, D. (2015). Enlightened mass tourism as a ‘third generation’ aspiration for the 21st century. In Hughes, M., Pforr, C., & Weaver, D. (Eds.) The Practice of Sustainable Tourism: Resolving the Paradox. Abingdon, UK: Routledge, pp. 11-23. 6

37. Weaver, D., Hughes, M., & Pforr, C. (2015). Paradox as a pervasive characteristic of sustainable tourism: Challenges, opportunities and trade-offs. In Hughes, M., Pforr, C., & Weaver, D. (Eds.) The Practice of Sustainable Tourism: Resolving the Paradox. Abingdon, UK: Routledge, pp. 281-290. 1

36. Weaver, D. (2014). The sustainable development of tourism: A state of the art perspective. In Lew, A., Hall, C., & Williams, A. (Eds.) The Wiley-Blackwell Companion to Tourism. London: Wiley-Blackwell, pp. 524-533. 1

35. Weaver, D. (2013). Echoes of the great Pacific conflict: Australia’s regional war tourism dividend. In Butler, R. & Suntikul, W. (Editors). Tourism and War. London: Routledge, pp. 193-204.

34. Butcher, J., Weaver, D., & Singh, S. (2012). Does community participation empower local people? In Singh, T.V. (Ed.) Critical Debates in Tourism. Clevedon, UK: Channel View, pp. 101-121. 10

33. Harrison, D., Weaver, D., & Butler, R. (2012). Is small tourism beautiful? In Singh, T.V. (Ed.) Critical Debates in Tourism. Clevedon, UK: Channel View, pp. 79-99. 3

32. Weaver, D., Buckley, R., Wheeller, B., & Bramwell, B. (2012). Mass tourism and sustainability: Can the two meet? In Singh, T.V. (Ed.) Critical Debates in Tourism. Clevedon, UK: Channel View, pp. 27-52. 6

31. Weaver, D. (2012). Alternative tourism as a contestable quality of life facilitator. In Uysal, M., Perdue, R., & Sirgy, M. (Eds.) Handbook on Tourism and Quality-of-life Research: The Missing Links. Dordrecht, Netherlands: Springer, pp 389-402. 11

30. Weaver, D. (2009). Reflections on sustainable tourism and paradigm change. In Gossling, S., Hall, C.M. & Weaver, D. (Eds.) Sustainable Tourism Futures: Perspectives on Systems, Restructuring, and Innovations. Routledge, pp. 33-40. 30

29. Gossling, S., Hall, C.M., & Weaver, D. (2009). Sustainable tourism futures: Perspectives on systems, restructuring and innovations. In Gossling, S., Hall, C.M. & Weaver, D. (Eds.) Sustainable Tourism Futures: Perspectives on Systems, Restructuring, and Innovations. Routledge, pp. 1-15. 10

28. Weaver, D. (2007). Resort structure and ‘plantation’ dynamics in Antigua and coastal South Carolina. In Agarwal, S. & Shaw, G. (Eds.) Coastal Tourism Resorts: A Global Perspective. Clevedon, UK: Channel View, pp. 204-215. 3

27. Weaver, D. (2007). Tourism dynamics in the urban-rural fringe. In Wall, G. (Ed.) Approaching Tourism. Waterloo, Canada: University of Waterloo, pp. 123-141.

26. Weaver, D. (2006). The ‘plantation’ variant of the TALC in the small island Caribbean. In Butler, R.W. (Ed.) The Tourism Area Life Cycle, Volume 1: Applications and Modifications. Clevedon, UK: Channel View, pp. 185-197. 15

25. Weaver, D. & Lawton, L. (2005). Using cluster analysis to segment a sample of Australian ecotourists. In Ritchie, B.W., Burns, P. & Palmer, C. (Eds.) Tourism Research Methods: Integrating Theory with Practice. Wallingford, UK: CABI Publishing, pp. 211-220. 6

24. Weaver, D. (2004). Managing ecotourism in the island microstate: The case of Dominica. In Diamantis, D. (Ed.) Ecotourism: Management and Assessment. London: Thomson, pp. 151-163. 14

23. Weaver, D. (2004). Tourism and the elusive paradigm of sustainable development. In Lew, A., Hall, C.M. & Williams, A. (Eds.) A Companion to Tourism. Oxford: Blackwell, pp. 510-521. 38

22. Weaver, D. (2004). Manifestations of ecotourism in the Caribbean. In Duval, D.T. (Ed.) Tourism in the Caribbean: Trends, Development, Prospects. London: Routledge, pp. 172-186. 11

21. Weaver, D. (2003). The political ecology of tourism in the Cayman Islands. In Gössling, S. (Ed.) Tourism and Development in Tropical Islands: Political Ecology Perspectives. Cheltenham, UK: Edward Elgar, pp. 38-59. 3

20. Pickering, C. & Weaver, D. (2003). Nature-based tourism and sustainability: Issues and approaches. In Buckley, R., Pickering, C. & Weaver, D. (Eds.) Nature-based Tourism, Environment and Land Management. Wallingford, UK: CABI Publishing, pp. 7-10. 17

19. Weaver, D. & Lawton, L. (2003). Segmentation of educational tendencies among tourist markets: Ecolodge patrons at Lamington National Park, Australia. In Ritchie, B. (Ed.) Managing Educational Tourism. Clevedon, UK: Channel View, pp. 73-77.

18. Weaver, D. (2002).  Perspectives on sustainable tourism in the South Pacific.  In R. Harris, T. Griffin & P. Williams (Eds.) Sustainable Tourism: A Global Perspective.  Oxford: Butterworth-Heinemann, pp. 121-139. 2

17. Weaver, D. (2001). Ecotourism and mass tourism in the Caribbean: Convergences and synergies. In D. Harrison (Ed.), Tourism and The Less Developed World: Issues and Case Studies. Wallingford, UK: CAB International, pp. 161-174. 62

16. Weaver, D. (2001).   Ecotourism in the context of other tourism types. In D. Weaver (Ed.), Encyclopedia of Ecotourism.  Wallingford, UK: CAB International, pp. 73-83. 95

15. Weaver, D. & Schluter, R.  (2001). Latin America and the Caribbean. In D. Weaver (Ed.), Encyclopedia of Ecotourism. Wallingford, UK: CAB International, pp. 173-188. 21

14. Weaver, D. (2001).  Deserts, grasslands, and savannas. In D. Weaver (Ed.), Encyclopedia of Ecotourism.  Wallingford, UK: CAB International, pp. 251-263. 20

13. Lawton, L. & Weaver, D. (2001).  Modified spaces. In D. Weaver (Ed.), Encyclopedia of Ecotourism.  Wallingford, UK: CAB International, pp. 315-326. 23

12. Fennell, D., Buckley, R., & Weaver, D. (2001).  Policy and planning. In D. Weaver (Ed.), Encyclopedia of Ecotourism.  Wallingford, UK: CAB International, pp. 463-477. 24

11. Weaver, D. (2000).  Tourism and political geography in southern Africa.  In P. Dieke (Ed.), The Political Economy of Tourism Development in Africa.  New York: Cognizant, pp. 52-61. 8

10. Weaver, D. (2000). Tourism and land tenure in sub-Saharan Africa: The expansion of the modern space economy.  In P. Dieke (Ed.), The Political Economy of Tourism Development in Africa.   New York: Cognizant, pp. 260-273. 1

9. Weaver, D. (2000). Sustainable tourism: Is it sustainable?.  In B. Faulkner, G. Moscardo, and E. Laws (Eds.), Tourism in the 21st Century: Lessons from Experience. London: Continuum, pp. 300-311. 33

8. Lawton, L. & Weaver, D. (2000). Nature-based tourism and ecotourism.  In B. Faulkner, G. Moscardo, and E. Laws (Eds.), Tourism in the 21st Century: Lessons From Experience. London: Continuum, pp. 34-48. 26

7. Weaver, D. (2000). Tourism and national parks in ecologically vulnerable areas.  In R.W. Butler and S.W. Boyd  (Eds.)  Tourism and National Parks: Issues and Implications. Chichester, UK:  John Wiley & Sons, pp. 107-124. 16

6. Weaver, D. (1998).  Ecotourism and its potential contribution to the economic revitalisation of Saskatchewan and Manitoba.  In E. Laws, B. Faulkner and G. Moscardo (Eds.), Embracing and Managing Change in Tourism: International Case Studies. London, Routledge,  pp.169-188.

5. Weaver, D. (1997).  Ecotourism in Costa Rica.  In L. France (Ed.), The Earthscan Reader in Sustainable Tourism. London: Earthscan Publications, pp. 205-207.

4. Weaver, D. & D. Fennell, D. (1997). The Saskatchewan vacation farm operator as entrepreneur.  In S. J. Page and D. Getz (Ed.), The Business of Rural Tourism: International Perspectives. London, International Thomson Business Press, pp. 77-92. 19

3. Weaver, D. (1994).  Ecotourism in the Caribbean basin.  In E. Cater and G. Lowman (Eds.), Ecotourism: A Sustainable Option? London: John Wiley, pp. 159-176. 38

2. Weaver, D. (1992).  Tourism and the functional transformation of the Antiguan landscape.  In C. Fleischer-van Rooijen (Ed.) Spatial Implications of Tourism. Groningen, The Netherlands, GeoPers, pp. 161-176. 9

1. Weaver, D.  (1990). Tourism: A vehicle for world peace?  In S. Juyal, & B. Babu (Eds.) The United Nations and World Peace. New Delhi, Sterling Pub., pp. 111-118.

Refereed Research Monographs

7. Weaver, D. & Lawton, L. (2006). Not Just Surviving but Thriving: Identifying the Strengths of Highly Successful American Travel Agencies. Columbia, SC, USA: Alfred P. Sloan Foundation Travel & Tourism Industry Center.

6. Weaver, D. & Lawton, L. (2002). Hinterland Sustainable Tourism Development Study. Gold Coast, Australia: CRC for Sustainable Tourism. iv + 60 pp. ISBN 1876 685107. 3

5. Weaver, D. & Lawton, L. (2001). Attitudes and Behaviour of Ecolodge Patrons in Lamington National Park. Research Report. Gold Coast, Australia: CRC for Sustainable Tourism. iv + 65 pp. ISBN 1876 685751. 13

4. Weaver, D. & Lawton, L. (1999). Sustainable Tourism: A Critical Analysis. Gold Coast, Australia: CRC for Sustainable Tourism. iii + 48 pp.  ISBN 0646 376470. 79

3. Weaver, D., Faulkner, B., & Lawton, L. (1998). Nature-Based Tourism in Australia and Beyond: A Preliminary Investigation. Gold Coast, Australia: CRC for Sustainable Tourism. iii + 31 pp.  ISBN 1876 68500X. 28

2. Weaver, D., Glenn, C., & Rounds, R. (1995).  Ecotourism in Manitoba. Brandon, MB, Canada: Rural Development Institute, RDI Report Series 1995-5.  viii + 49 pp.

ISBN 1895 39743X. 6

1. Nilson, R., Mazur, P., & Weaver, D. (1990).  Leisure and Aging in Saskatchewan. Regina, SK, Canada: Faculty of Physical Activity Studies, University of Regina. vi + 180 pp.



High Level Foreign Expert Program (Liaoning   Province, China); The development of Dalian region as a tourism gateway for   Northeast Asia (Project Director) (CN¥280,000   (AUS$56,000))


CAAR (Council for Australian-Arab Relations); Facilitating   cross-cultural understanding through ‘selfie tourism’ (Co-Principal   Investigator with A. Shakeela & L. Lawton) (AUS$53,000)


Griffith University; Geopolitically   Sustainable Tourism (Project member with Y. Wang & A. Kwek) (AUS$9,933)


ARC (Australian Research Council) Discovery   Grant #DP1093557; Toward Tourism/Conservation Symbiosis: Engaging Protected   Area Visitors in Focused Activism (Project Leader) (AUS$70,000)


Sloan Center for the Travel & Tourism   Industry, ASTA (American Society of Travel Agents), and Marriott   Foundation;  Identifying Strategies for   Success in the American Travel Agency Sector (Project Leader) (US$50,000)

College of   Hospitality, Retail, and Sport Management, University of South Carolina; Attitudes   to and Utilization of a Local Protected Area: Congaree National Park and the   Greater Columbia Community (Project Leader) (US$7,950)


ARC (Australian   Research Council); The Tourism ‘Ripple Effect’ of International   Students at an Australian University (Project Leader) (AUS$12,985)

CRC (Co-operative Research Centre) Sustainable   Tourism; Gold Coast Revisioning Project; Hinterland Sustainable Tourism   Development Study (Project Leader) (AUS$50,000)


ARC (Australian Research Council); Resident   Attitudes and the Management of Tourism in an Australian Peri-Urban Location (AUS$12,780)

CRC (Co-operative Research Centre) Sustainable   Tourism, Project Three: Segmenting the Ecotourist Market in the Subtropical   Rainforests of the Gold Coast Hinterland (AUS$22,000)


CRC (Co-operative Research Centre) Sustainable   Tourism; to research sustainable tourism policy indicators in Australia and   elsewhere; to identify and describe a set of parameters and indicators for   sustainability; to provide a framework for future planning of the CRC   research program. (Project Leader) (AUS$8,500)

CRC (Co-operative Research Centre) in   Sustainable Tourism; to identify the scope and magnitude of Nature-based   tourism in Australia. (Co-Investigator, with B. Faulkner) (AUS$5,500)


BHM (Business & Hotel Management) Faculty   Research Grant, Griffith University Gold Coast Campus; to conduct empirical   research in Tobago, West Indies, toward the development of a model of   domestic involvement in the tourism sector of subordinate islands. (AUS$4,814)


President’s SSHRC (Social Sciences &   Humanities Research Council), U. of Regina; Saskatchewan Tourism Authority;   to profile vacation farm operators in Saskatchewan (with D. Fennell)   (CAN$4,287)


Saskatchewan Lotteries Trust Fund for Sport,   Culture & Recreation; to investigate provision of recreational services   to Aboriginal people in Saskatchewan (with R. Nilson) (CAN$12,725)


Saskatchewan Culture, Multiculturalism and   Recreation; to produce demographic maps of Saskatchewan (CAN$3,000)

TEACHING (Subjects Convened and Taught)

Griffith University (2013- ) [Griffith University research-only position 2008-2012]

7209 HSL   Tourism Management

7008 HSL   Cruise Industry Experience (taught on board cruise ship)

3006 HSL   Cruise Industry Management

3008 HSL   Cruise Industry Experience (taught on board cruise ship)

University of South Carolina (2005 – 2008)

HRTM 485 Sustainable Tourism

HRTM 383 Ecotourism

HRTM 387 Cruise Ship Industry (co-listed as graduate course HRTM 798)

HRTM 280 Tourism

George Mason University (2002 – 2004)

PRLS 402   Human Behavior in Natural Environments

TOUR 241  Practicum

TOUR 340  Sustainable Tourism

TOUR 480  Ecotourism

PRLS 490   Internship

TOUR 540  Sustainable Tourism Management (graduate, distance mode)

Griffith University (1996 – 2000)

THM 1002 Introduction to Tourism Management

THM 2004 Sustainable Tourism

THM 7006 International Business of Tourism & Hotel Management (graduate)

THM 7009      Tourism Management     (graduate)

University of Regina, Luther College (1986 – 1996)

Geog. 100 Introduction to Geography

Geog. 220 Introduction to Human Geography

Geog. 316 Third World and Development Issues

Geog. 330 Political Geography

Geog. 391 Directed Studies in Tourism

Geog. 448 Tourism and Outdoor Recreation

Geog. 496 Issues in Sustainable Tourism

University of Western Ontario (taught while undertaking PhD.)

Geog. 131 Cartology

Geog. 335 Global Issues

Wilfrid Laurier University (taught while undertaking Masters)

Geog. 220 Cultural Geography



2017        Chang Jiang (Yangtze River) Scholar, People’s Republic of China, (to 2020)

2014        Pro Vice Chancellor (Business) Research Excellence Award (Individual

Mid-Career or Senior Researcher Outstanding Record of Research Career

Achievement), Griffith University

2014        Award for Lifetime Achievement in Tourism Research,

4th International Conference   on Tourism (ICOT 2014), Dalian, China

2009        Fellow (elected), International Academy for the Study of Tourism

2007        Patricia G. Moody Distinguished Researcher and Scholar of the Year,

University of South Carolina

Editorial & Advisory Boards

2007- 2011  Editorial Board Member, International Journal of Culture, Tourism and Hospitality Research (resigned)

2007 -         Scientific Advisory Board Member, International Centre for Responsible Tourism – Scandinavia, Western Norway Research Institute

2005 -         Editorial Board Member, Journal of Travel Research

2004            Special Issue Editor, Tourism Review International 8 (2) (student tourism)

2004 -         Editorial Board Member, Tourism Recreation Research

2003 -         Editorial Board Member, Journal of Sustainable Tourism

2002 -           Board Member, leisuretourism.com (CABI on-line database)

2002 - 2015 Board Member, International Centre for Ecotourism Research (ICER), Griffith University, Gold Coast, Australia (organisation disestablished)

2001 - 2015 Editorial Board Member, Journal of Ecotourism (resigned)

2001 - 2011 Associate Editor and Book Review Editor, Journal of Ecotourism (resigned)

1999 -         Editorial Board Member, Tourism and Hospitality Research

1998 - 2016 Editorial Board Member, Tourism Geographies (resigned)

1998            Special Issue Editor, Pacific Tourism Review 3 (3/4) (mega-events)

1996 - 2010 Editorial Board Member, Tourism Review International (formerly Pacific Tourism Review) (resigned)

Invited Expert


Indonesia: Keynote speaker, International Seminar on Implementing Green and Sustainable Tourism, Bali Polytechnic University: “Combining mass and alternative tourism for a new generation of sustainable destination management” (9 November) and Workshop expert presenter: “Getting published in top tier journals” (10 November)

Timor-Leste: Speaker, International Conference on Emerging Tourism Destinations: Challenges and Opportunities (ICETD 2016), Dili: “Is tourism in Timor-Leste a hopeless cause or a great opportunity?” (24 October)

Russia: Keynote speaker, Final Seminar of the Norway-Russia Cooperation Program in Sustainable Tourism 2013-2016, Moscow: “Enlightened mass tourism: A new paradigm for sustainable tourism in the 21st century?” (22 September)


China: Keynote speaker, 2015 Tourism Tribune Conference, Beijing: “Ecotourism in China: A dialogue between East and West?” (24 October) and Workshop expert presenter: “How can I get published in top tier tourism journals?” (22 October)

Iran: Keynote speaker, World Tourism Day International Conference, Tehran: “Geopolitical sustainability: The fourth pillar of tourism” (28 September)


Australia: Keynote speaker, 5th International Tourism Studies Association Conference (ITSA 5), Perth: “Nature-based tourism and the Chinese Dream: Considerations for Australian protected area managers” (28 November)

Estonia: Keynote speaker, 7th International Conference on Monitoring and Management of Visitors in Recreational and Protected Areas (MMV 2014), Tallinn: “Willingness of local residents to participate in protected area enhancement in the urban/rural fringe: Harnessing the potential of enlightened mass tourism” (23 August)

China: Keynote speaker, 4th International Conference on Tourism (ICOT 2014), Dongbei University of Finance and Economics: “Enlightened mass tourism: A new paradigm for the 21st century?” (26 June)

Czech Republic: Keynote speaker, 7th International Conference on Movement & Health, Palacky University: “Enlightened mass tourism: New paradigm for the 21st Century” (3 June)


Taiwan: Invited Speaker, Providence University: “Asymmetrical dialectics of sustainable tourism” (16 May)

Iran: Keynote speaker (videotaped), Department of Tourism, Kazeroun University: “eTourism for emerging destinations: Five fundamental questions to consider.” (22 Feb.)


Taiwan: Invited Speaker, National Taipei University of Education, and Shih Hsin University: “Three paths to sustainable mass tourism convergence: Implications for ecotourism”, & National Chi Nan University: “Stages of Aboriginal tourism: Implications for sustainability and ecotourism” (21-25 Nov).

Fiji: Keynote speaker, Islands and Small States Tourism Conference, University of the South Pacific: “Toward sustainable mass tourism convergence: A daring proposition for the global tourism sector” (13 Sept).


Korea: Keynote speaker, International Symposium on Saemangeum Tourism Development: “Challenges and opportunities of sustainable mass tourism: Lessons from and for Saemangeum” (25 Nov).

South Africa: Keynote speaker, International Conference on Global Sustainable Tourism, Nelspruit: “Going green in the hospitality sector: Past, present and future” (16 Nov).


Korea: Keynote speaker, 66th TOSOK (Tourism Sciences Society of Korea) Academic Symposium & International Tourism Conference, Chungnam: “Twenty years of sustainable tourism: Where are we now?” (2 July).

Norway: Scientific expert, Sustainable Destination Norway 2025 summit, Balestrand (25-26 May).


Mexico: Keynote speaker, World Tourism Forum, Confederacion Nacional Turistica, Mexico City: “Tourism and the natural environment: Past, present and future” (18 Aug).

Norway: Scientific expert participant, Sustainable Destination Norway 2025 summit, Balestrand (27-28 May).


Sweden: Keynote speaker, 16th Nordic Symposium in Tourism Research, Helsingborg: “Toward the new frontier of consumer-driven sustainable mass tourism” (28 Sept).


USA: Speaker, Sharlot Hall Museum, Prescott, Arizona, Civic Tourism Conference: “The Ecotourium” (17 Mar).


USA: Keynote speaker, Sharlot Hall Museum, Prescott, Arizona, Civic Tourism Summit: “The imperative of a broad-based comprehensive ecotourism model” (14 Apr).


Canada: Speaker, University of Waterloo, Public Lecture Series: “Achieving the potential of ecotourism through a comprehensive approach” (7 Nov).


Canada: Speaker, University of Waterloo, Public Lecture Series: “Tourism dynamics in the urban-rural fringe” (3 Oct).

Andorra: Speaker, 4th International Environmental Congress of Andorra: Ecotourism in Mountain Areas: “Ecotourism as a Tool for Development in Peripheral Regions” (15-19 July).

Russia: Speaker & World Tourism Organization expert, International Seminar,  (preparatory seminar for the International Year of Ecotourism in Quebec City). WTO, UNEP, ITE Travel Exhibitions, & Ministry of Economic Development & Trade (Tourism Department), Moscow: “Ecotourism, a tool for sustainable development in the 21st century in the transitional economies of the CIS countries” (25-26 Mar).

Thailand: Member, PATA Taskforce for assessing the development of tourism on Ko Chang Island and making recommendations to the Tourism Authority of Thailand (25 Jan–4 Feb).


Canada: Speaker, Lakehead University, Thunder Bay, ON: “Repositioning the Butler Sequence: A Broad Context Model of Destination Development Scenarios” (26 Oct).

Canada: Speaker, University of Waterloo, Public Lecture Series: “Ecotourist Market Segmentation in the Gold Coast Hinterland of Australia” (29 Oct).


USA: International Scholar Keynote Address, University of Nevada at Las Vegas Forum Public Lecture Series sponsored by the College of Liberal Arts and UNLV Foundation: “Australia’s Gold Coast and its Hinterland: Conflicting or Complementary Paradigms of Tourism Development?” (20 Sept).

Canada: Speaker, University of Waterloo, Public Lecture Series: “Extending the Butler sequence: A broad context model of destination development scenarios” (4 Oct).


Panama: Expert, International Conference on Heritage Tourism for the Next Millennium, Instituto Panameño de Turismo, Smithsonian Tropical Research Institute, City of Knowledge Foundation, National Secretariat for Science, Technology and Innovation, the Panamanian Tourism Institute & EcoResorts International, Panama City (2-4 Dec).

Thailand: Keynote speaker, Thailand Educational Tourism Seminar, International Educational Foundation, Australian Embassy, Bangkok: “Issues in Aboriginal Tourism and Ecotourism from an Australian Perspective” (23 July).

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