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2021-02-20 17:26


本科:东北财经大学、University of Western Ontario,经济学专业
硕士:University of Alberta,经济学专业




International Finance, Macrofinance, Corporate Finance


1、Wang Qingshi, Sun Zongyang (2014), “China Is Calling for an Amelioration in Education & Public Health”, China Social Science Newspaper, 2014-569.

2、Sun Zongyang, Wang Qingshi (2013), “Study on the Impact of Inflation on Economic Growth and the Relevant Channels”, Journal of DongbeiUniversity of Finance &Economics (Cover Page Article), 2013-3.

3、Sun Zongyang, Wang Qingshi (2013), “Study on the Optimum Inflation-A Panel Data Approach”, Journal of Liaoning Normal University, 2013-36(4).

4、Sun Zongyang, Wang Qingshi (2013), “The Nexus between Human Capital & Location Selection of FDI- An Analysis of Panel Data of the New Jinzhou District in Dalian”, Journal of Shenyang Normal University, 2013-4.

5、Wang Qingshi, Sun Zongyang etc (2013), “Study & Design of Undergraduate Education Standards & Plan for Outstanding Accounting Professionals”, Educational Research, 2013-1


1、Wang Qingshi, Sun Zongyang etc (2013), “Study on the Nexus & Solutions between Human Capital & Economic Sustainable Development”, Project of the Department of Development & Revolution of the New Jinzhou District, Dalian

2、Wang Qingshi, Sun Zongyang etc (2012), “Analysis Report of the 6th Population Census of the New Jinzhou District”, Project of the Department of Development &Revolution of the New Jinzhou District in Dalian

3、Wang Qingshi, Sun Zongyang etc (2012), “Analysis Report of the Spring Demand of Labor from Dalian Enterprises in 2012”, Project of the Career Service Center for Immigrants in Dalian

4、Wang Qingshi, Sun Zongyang etc (2012), “Study on the Education Globalization Strategy & Policy Innovation for Liaoning Province”, Project of the Liaoning Education Department

5、Wang Qingshi, Sun Zongyang etc (2012), “Development of Academic Scheme for Undergraduate Education in Finance & Accounting”, Project of the Liaoning Education Department


2023-2024 CFA Research Challenge, Outstanding Faculty Advisor, “Best Performance Prize”.

2022-2023 CFA Research Challenge, Outstanding Faculty Advisor, “Best Research Report”, Third Prize.

2022 辽宁省企业价值创造大赛, 优秀指导教师, 省级二等奖

2020 互联网+大赛, 优秀指导教师, 银奖

2020 辽宁省创青春大赛, 优秀指导教师, 银奖

2020 CGMA Global Business Challenge (Liaoning), Second Prize

2020 辽宁省企业价值创造大赛, 优秀指导教师,三等奖

2017 大学生创新创业训练比赛, 国家级项目, “Development of Internet-based Charity Teaching Support – A Case Study of DUFE Teaching Support Team”

2016 大学生创新创业训练比赛, 国家级项目, “Charity Union of Financial Support for DUFE Students” 

2015 “印象辽宁” 国家社会调查项目, 优秀指导教师,“The Most Appealing Team”

2015 双语认证教师

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