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2022-11-02 11:38



佟婷婷于2024年起被东北财经大学聘为教授。她毕业于美国佐治亚理工学院经济系。她的研究方向包括劳动经济学和实证运营管理等。她的论文发表在多篇期刊,包括China Economic Review, Applied Economics, Journal of Transport Geography, 和 International Journal of Production Economics等。 主要承担《计量经济学》和《发展经济学》等本科及硕士研究生教学工作。


1. Dai, H., Xiao, Q., Yan, N., Xu, X., & Tong, T*. (2022). What Influences Online Sales Across Different Types of E-Commerce Platforms. International Journal of Electronic Commerce, 26(3), 311-330.

2. Dai, H., Xiao, Q., Yan, N., Xu, X., & Tong, T. (2022). Item-level Forecasting for E-commerce Demand with High-dimensional Data Using a Two-stage Feature Selection Algorithm. Journal of Systems Science and Systems Engineering, 31(2), 247-264.

3. Tong, T., Xu, X., Yan, N., & Xu, J. (2022). Impact of different platform promotions on online sales and conversion rate: The role of business model and product line length. Decision Support Systems, 156, 113746.

4. Yan, N., Xu, X., Tong, T.*, & Huang, L. (2021). Examining consumer complaints from an on-demand service platform. International Journal of Production Economics, 237, 108153.

5. Xu, X., Yan, N., & Tong, T*. (2021). Longer waiting, more cancellation? Empirical evidence from an on-demand service platform. Journal of Business Research, 126, 162-169.

6. Yan, N., Xu, X., & Tong, T*. (2021). Should businesses keep consistent performance between channels? Empirical evidence from the impact of rating discrepancy on demand. Decision Sciences.

7. Deng, L.F., and T. Tong*. 2020.  Parenting style and the development of noncognitive ability in Children. China Economic Review.

8. Tong, T., H. Dai, Q. Xiao, and N. Yan. 2019. Will dynamic pricing outperform? Theoretical analysis and empirical evidence from O2O on-demand food service market. International Journal of Production Economics.

9. Tong, T., H.Z. Li, and Samuel Greiff. 2019. Human capital and leadership: The impact of cognitive and noncognitive ability. Applied Economics.

10. Tong, T. 2019. Family, teacher, and student ability development in China. Journal of the Asia Pacific Economy.

11. Tong, T. and H.Z. Li. 2018. Demand for MOOC-An Application of Big Data. China Economic Review.

12. Tong, T. and Edward Yu. 2018. Transportation and economic growth in China: A heterogeneous panel cointegration and causality analysis. Journal of Transport Geography.

13. Yan, N., T., Tong, and H. Dai. 2018. Capital-constrained Supply Chain with Multiple Decision Attributes:Decision Optimization and Coordination Analysis. Journal of Industrial & Management Optimization.

14. Tong, T., T.E. Yu, S. Cho, and K. Jensen. 2015. Impact of Public Infrastructure on Output of U.S. Food Manufacturing Industries: A Heterogeneous Dynamic Panel Approach. Agribusiness.

15. Tong, T., T.E. Yu, and R.R. Roberts. 2014. Dynamics of Transport Infrastructure, Exports and Economic Growth in the United States. Journal of the Transportation Research Forum. 53: 65-81.

16. Tong, T., T.E. Yu, S. Cho, K. Jensen, and D. de la Torre Ugarte. 2013. Evaluating the Spatial Spillover Effect of Transportation Infrastructure on Agricultural Output across the United States. Journal of Transport Geography. 30:47-55. 



辽宁省教育厅项目,个人能力对职业发展的影响研究:基于以能力为核心的新人力资本理论, 主持。

Li, H., T. Tong, and X. Sun. 2015. Human Capital of Managerial Leadership is Related to Innovativeness of the Enterprise. Policy Brief, proceedings of LLLight’in’ Europe Research Project. 

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